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Plastic Free July Tips: Outdoors

eco tips outdoors plastic free

As we start exploring outside more this summer, here are a few tips to keep your outdoor adventures plastic free…

1. Preparing your lunches before you go out

It can be easy to forget your lunch when out and about, and when you can just buy and meal deal from your local supermarket then it’s no big deal. But simply preparing a lunch before you go out for the day can dramatically reduce the amount of plastic packaging you purchase. It does take a little more planning, but once you get into the habit of preparing your lunches for you days out, then it is no effort at all!

Take a look at our Bamboo Lunchboxes and Stainless Steel Lunchboxes to start your new good habits today!

2. Bring plastic free cutlery out with you

So you’ve prepared your lunch but forgotten your cutlery so you have to pop to the supermarket to get one of their disposable plastic forks. Instead, always carry some cutlery in your bag. Not metal cutlery as this can be heavy and inconvenient, but reusable bamboo or wheat fibre cutlery can be a great lightweight alternative to keep in your bag at all times for just such an occasion!

Check out our reusable Bamboo Cutlery Set with Fabric Pouch and Wheat Straw Cutlery Set and Case for some perfect travel options.

3. Use plastic free BBQ essentials

At your next BBQ, try to dodge single use plastics by avoiding disposable barbecues, purchasing eco friendly fire lighters without unnecessary plastics, and also using plastic free alternatives to disposable plates, bowls and cutlery. Did you know that even paper plates have a plastic film on them making them unrecyclable and non-biodegradable? Instead, use washable plates, bowls and cutlery or if you are unable to then opt for wheat fibre or other plastic free options which are completely compostable.

Explore our Barbecues & Picnics Collection for eco friendly BBQ options, perfect for your next gathering, party or occasion!

4. Invest in a reusable coffee cup

If you are a fan of takeaway coffees, then a reusable coffee cup or flask can be a great investment. Not only does it reduce the amount of plastic coated paper cups and plastic lids you purchase, but often coffee shops offer a discount if you bring along your own cup, a win for you and a win for the planet!

Our Reusable Travel Cups are made from rice husks, making them reusable but also completely compostable at the end of their life, unlike a lot of reusable coffee cups out there. Choose from a range of designs and colours to find the one perfect for you…

5. Get into the habit of using a reusable water bottle

It is good to get into the habit of taking a reusable water bottle out with you when you leave the house in order to reduce the risk of you needing to purchase a plastic bottle of water while out and about. Once you get into this habit, you will never be caught short, keeping you hydrated, your water cool if you choose a metal bottle, and reducing your plastic bottle consumption – there really is no downside! You can purchase a range of sizes and colours, so you can find the perfect water bottle for you.

6. Avoid using plastic plant pots and nursery pots when gardening

When doing the gardening this summer, try to avoid using plastic nursery pots and plant pots. Instead you can purchase compostable coir pots which can be planted straight into soil, providing your seedling with extra nutrients and minerals! An ideal alternative to unrecyclable plastics.

7. Try compostable dog poo bags

You no longer have to choose between your pooch and planet! Try compostable dog poo bags made from completely plant based materials. As a dog owner, you can get through 2, 3 and even 4 dog poo bags every day, this is single use plastic which ends up being incinerated, releasing harmful gases into our atmosphere. Choosing plant based bags is such a simple swap which reduces this daily use of plastic to zero!

Check out our compostable dog poo bags here.

8. Plastic free sun cream is out there!

Sun cream is a summer essential, even in the cloudy UK you can burn! Well now you can get a plastic free, natural sun cream – Shade. Made from non toxic, all natural ingredients and packaging in a handy metal tin, this sun cream is a plastic free essential this summer.

Take a look at Shade sun cream here.

9. Stainless steel clothes pegs will last you a lifetime

You might be hanging up your washing more outside now that the weather is slowly becoming warmer, and might be in need of some more clothes pegs. Well instead of plastic pegs which break easily and will remain on the planet for hundreds of years, try stainless steel pegs! Stainless steel pegs are guaranteed not to break and can last a lifetime, but if they do break somehow they are completely recyclable.

Check out our stainless steel pegs here.

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