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Green Alternatives Blog

Food Waste Action Week 2021

Food Waste

Food Waste Action Week 2021

Food Waste Action Week 2021 was initiated by WRAP (Waste Resources and Action Programme). It invites us all to be mindful of what we throw in the bin, and try to reduce our waste to as close to zero as possible. Surprisingly, the emissions cause by food waste are a massive problem in tackling the greenhouse gas issue. Take a look at our Eco Hints and Tips page throughout this week to see daily advice for reducing your food waste. Make sure you are using #FoodWasteActionWeek and tagging @lfhw_uk in your social media posts to help spread the word and also any useful tips you have come up with to reduce your food waste!

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Bringing back the Milk Man

eco friendly milk plastic free

Bringing back the Milk Man

Bringing back the Milk Man We’ve recently started buying our milk via the milk man. Why oh why did we wait so long to make this change? I’m actually angry with myself. We had talked about it for literally 2-3 years but in that classic way ‘never got round to it!’ It won’t come as a surprise to say that the milk tastes better and there is something so nostalgic about drinking milk from a traditional glass bottle. The plastic packaging pandemic has dominated milk distribution over recent decades. In 1975, 94% of UK milk was put into glass bottles;...

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Bread Wax Wraps

bread wax wraps food wraps plastic free vegan wax wraps

Bread Wax Wraps

Heard of a Bread Wrap? Do you use your local bakery?  If you do, isn’t it annoying that your yummy fresh bread is then popped in a plastic bag before handed over the counter? You could ask for the bakery assistants not to do this, but how then do you keep it fresh at home for longer than 24 hours? One solution is to use large wax wrap. I never thought we’d use our bread wax wrap as much as we do. I was reluctant to buy one at first as they are a little pricey – but we’ve definitely...

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Summer’s here - and so are eco-friendly sunglasses!

bamboo eco friendly plastic free sun glasses

Summer’s here - and so are eco-friendly sunglasses!

Summer is here – Hurrah! This year I’ve committed to not purchase 2 or 3 pairs of cheap supermarket sunglasses that get trodden on by the kids or lost in my busy work/mum life. Instead, I’ve opted to spend a teeny bit more and buy a lovely pair of bamboo sunglasses. I chose www.swolepanda.com , a British company whose frames are made from sustainable bamboo. They also sell many other lovely clothing accessories such as socks and scarves which I’m sure I’ll be trying out in the future! The quality is great, they are lightweight and sturdy and most importantly,...

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Fancy a (plastic free) cuppa?

eco friendly plastic free tea

Fancy a (plastic free) cuppa?

I don’t know about you but if I don’t have a strong builder’s cuppa within half an hour of waking up, I’m pretty much a write off for the morning! And I probably wouldn’t still have a day job without constant refills throughout the day! But did you know that most high street branded tea bags contain polypropylene plastics? WHY?! I hear you ask? These plastics are used to bind the bag material and seal the contents inside so they don’t split. Once the bag and tea leaves have degraded, a small plastic ‘skeleton’ remains which is non-degradable/recyclable, and if...

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